Red Dog Casino Underage Gaming Policy

At Red Dog Casino, responsible gaming is one of our top priorities. We are committed to ensuring that our platform is enjoyed by players who are of legal gambling age and to preventing underage gambling. This Underage Gaming Policy outlines our strict procedures and measures to verify the age of our players, educate on responsible gaming, and protect minors from accessing our services.

1. Age Verification:

  • To register and play at Red Dog Casino, you must be of legal gambling age, which varies by jurisdiction. Typically, this age is 18 or 21 years old, depending on your location.
  • During the registration process, we require players to provide accurate personal information, including their date of birth. We use this information to verify the player’s age.
  • Our age verification procedures may also include requesting additional documentation, such as government-issued IDs or other official documents.

2. Education and Awareness:

  • Red Dog Casino is committed to promoting responsible gaming behavior. We provide educational materials and resources to help our players understand the risks associated with gambling, including underage gambling.
  • We encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in monitoring and controlling their children’s internet activities to prevent underage access to gambling websites.

3. Account Restrictions:

  • Players who are suspected of being underage or providing false age information may have their accounts suspended or closed pending age verification.
  • Red Dog Casino also offers self-exclusion and cool-off periods to players who wish to restrict their access to the platform voluntarily.

4. Parental Controls:

  • We recommend that parents and guardians use parental control software and internet filtering tools to block access to online gambling websites by minors.
  • It is the responsibility of adults to ensure that minors do not have access to their Red Dog Casino accounts or computers/mobile devices where they can access online gambling sites.

5. Reporting Underage Gambling:

  • Red Dog Casino takes underage gambling reports seriously. If you suspect that an individual under the legal gambling age is accessing our platform, please report it to our customer support team.
  • We will investigate such reports promptly and take appropriate actions to address the issue.

6. Legal Consequences:

  • Underage gambling is illegal in many jurisdictions and can lead to severe legal consequences for both the underage player and their parents or guardians who facilitate such access.
  • Red Dog Casino fully cooperates with law enforcement agencies in cases involving underage gambling.

7. Responsible Gaming Resources:

  • We provide links to responsible gaming organizations and resources on our website. These organizations offer support and assistance to individuals who may be experiencing gambling-related issues.

8. Continuous Monitoring:

  • Red Dog Casino continually monitors player activity for any signs of underage gambling. We use advanced technology and data analysis to identify potential violations.


Red Dog Casino is dedicated to preventing underage gambling and maintaining a safe and responsible gaming environment for all our players. We urge our players to be vigilant about protecting their account information from minors and to seek assistance if they suspect underage individuals are accessing our platform. By working together, we can ensure that Red Dog Casino remains a place of entertainment for adults while keeping minors protected from the risks associated with online gambling.